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Penny Lane Realty, 2024
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Our works
Analysis of the land market of the Moscow Region and marketing studies of profitability of the investment project of building a cottage village in Moscow region The investor refused to enter into the construction of a country village in early 2008 on the basis of market analysis compiled by experts Penny Lane Realty.

Revaluation of fixed assets of the enterprise to optimize the taxation and depreciation Reduced tax revenue by 12,2% due to the optimization of the tax base through the revaluation of fixed assets engineering enterprise


Valuation of property complex for the restructuring of credit debts Restructured credit debts on the basis of an evaluation of the business center area of 30,000 m2 located on the territory of Moscow SEAD

Preparation of the concept of building a shopping and entertainment center in the city of Stavropol Was prepared an investment documentation for construction of shopping and entertainment center with total area of 50.1 thousand square meters

Analysis of the real estate markets in the Russian Federation Real estate market analysis conducted in more than thirty centers of the Russian Federation to determine the investment climate

Development of the concept the second phase of the project The project "Fish Village" in Kaliningrad implemented taking into account the conclusions and recommendations of the experts developed the concept of Penny Lane Realty

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Real estate agency Penny Lane Realty does not explore the market, the company operates in the market.

We provide a full range of services from the analysis of the effective use of the site to attract under prepared jointly with the developer concept and business plan, financing, supervise the progress of construction works on site, participating in the brokerage at all stages of construction, from receipt of order to build up commissioning.

We can take responsibility for the implementation of the object when choosing the path that we recommend, and following those recommendations that we provide and protect the face of the owner, his lender or investor.

Our success is the success of our customers, so we do not aim to make money on you, and strive to ensure that you have earned with our moderate involvement.

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